One of the hardest parts about living as a Nigerian abroad is being away from loved ones back home, especially elderly parents and grandparents. What makes this more difficult is when they have a chronic condition like hypertension that requires regular monitoring.

In a country where healthcare can be unreliable, this can be very unsettling. Fortunately, there is a way to ensure that your folks get the care they need without being present and this article will discuss how.

But first, let us look at some of the challenges regarding hypertension and the elderly in Nigeria.

Hypertension in Nigeria’s Elderly

Nearly 45% of Nigerians aged 60 and above suffer from hypertension, making it one of the most prevalent chronic conditions among the elderly. This high rate is concerning due to the severe complications that can arise from untreated high blood pressure, including heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure.

Hypertension can be caused or worsened by genetic predisposition, poor diet, physical inactivity, and limited access to healthcare.

The challenge is further compounded by the fact that many elderly individuals in Nigeria may be unaware of their condition. Hypertension is often asymptomatic until it causes significant damage, making regular monitoring essential.

Challenges in Managing Hypertension in Nigeria

Limited Access to Healthcare

Many elderly Nigerians face difficulties accessing consistent medical care due to the scarcity of healthcare facilities, particularly in rural areas, and the high cost of care in urban centres. This lack of access often results in inadequate monitoring and management of hypertension, leading to poor health outcomes.

Medication Adherence

Even when diagnosed, ensuring that elderly patients adhere to their prescribed medication can be challenging. Forgetfulness, side effects, and managing multiple medications can lead to poor adherence, increasing the risk of complications. For family members living abroad, ensuring adherence from a distance is even more difficult.

Nutritional and Lifestyle Factors

Managing hypertension requires a heart-healthy diet and regular physical activity. However, many elderly Nigerians may not have access to or knowledge of the necessary dietary requirements. Additionally, physical inactivity is common, further exacerbating hypertension.

How to Ensure Proper Care for the Elderly Remotely

For adults in the diaspora, taking a proactive approach is essential to ensuring that elderly loved ones in Nigeria receive the care they need. While this can be difficult to do on your own, you can with the help of trusted local medical partners.

Here are some of the things you need to ensure your parents are receiving:

  1. Regular Health Monitoring

Regular check-ups are crucial for managing hypertension. Partnering with a reliable healthcare provider like CareValue Health can ensure that your elderly loved ones receive consistent monitoring and necessary medical consultations. CareValue Health specializes in elderly care, offering services such as BMI monitoring, medication management and lifestyle counselling tailored to older adults’ needs.

2. Medication Management

Establishing a reliable system for medication adherence is vital. This could involve setting up reminders, organizing medications, or arranging for healthcare providers to assist with medication management. CareValue Health offers support through regular follow-ups and ensuring prescriptions are correctly filled and taken. When necessary, we can have the medication delivered to their doorstep.

3. Regular Exercise and a Healthy Diet

Encouraging a heart-healthy diet and regular physical activity is crucial. Educating your loved ones on the importance of a balanced diet and encouraging light physical activities can help manage hypertension. If possible, consider hiring a local caregiver or nutritionist to support these efforts.

Leverage Technology to Ensure Effective Geriatric Care

Telemedicine allows you to stay involved in your loved ones’ healthcare, even from afar. Teleconsultations enable you to communicate directly with healthcare providers, stay updated on their health status, and address any concerns promptly.


Hypertension is a serious concern for the elderly in Nigeria, but it can be effectively managed with the right care. For those in the diaspora, ensuring proper care requires regular health monitoring, effective medication management, promoting a healthy lifestyle, and utilising telemedicine.

By partnering with trusted providers like CareValue Health, you can help safeguard your loved ones’ health. Take the first step today to ensure they receive the care they deserve by speaking to one of our health specialists via WhatsApp or booking a virtual consultation.

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Last Update: September 23, 2024